Monday, July 23, 2007

Now, onto the real beginning.

Today was my last real day working at the Greater Homewood office. Tomorrow I join the ranks of the other school VISTAs and head off to PSO -- aka pre-service orientation -- at the Doubletree Hotel in Wilmington, Delaware. Preparing for four days of seminars and workshops, I have caved to the hype and purchased the new Harry Potter book.

I am eager to start my "real" work. Training, in one form or another, will last almost three weeks. After that I start up in my own office, working much more autonomously and designing my own projects. I love being in the main office, but it will be such a relief not to have to ask after each assignment, "what can I do next?" I dislike being reliant on someone else to feed me a constant stream of tasks. Plus, at this point the anticipation can only lead to self doubt -- more time to wonder, "am I really up to this?"

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