Friday, October 12, 2007

Right now I feel like I should be wrapping up my work week. Instead I am on my laptop, in bed, with some intentions of checking my GHCC email and slogging through some paperwork before the day is over.

Yesterday I was in bed all day, slightly feverish and hurting all over, recovering from a stomach virus I no doubt picked up at the school. I know this because I have not gotten a stomach virus since first grade. There are perils to returning to elementary school, for sure.

When I was young and stayed home sick, my mom would often insist that I take an extra "day of rest" on the first day I woke up feeling better. I remembered this as I got into my car this morning exhausted from the task of getting dressed and ready to leave. As my mother may have predicted, I hardly got anything done and ended up leaving after a few hours anyway because I had a killer headache and absolutely no energy. Mind you, in the past 36 hours I had eaten nothing but a soft pretzel and a piece of toast, which may have had something to do with it.

So here I am with my cat, Katie, sleeping on the bed next to me, hoping I'll be well enough to do at least half of the fun things I had planned for tomorrow. At least I have eaten a substantial amount since getting home: half a package of ramen noodles and two small pieces of chocolate.

This is getting a little ridiculous. I'm ready to see my energy and good health come back now.

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